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Health & Wellness
in Personal Enrichment
Cooking Matters™ for Adults
with Cada Driscoll

Beginner Guitar
with Jeffrey Chaplin

Ballroom Dance Basics
with Elizabeth Converse

Ballroom Basics is a six-week session covering two ballroom dances, Fox Trot and East Coast Swing. The goal is to feel comfortable dancing through a full song - and have fun! Perfect for beginners and returning dancers - strong basics are for everyone. You will receive in-class instruction, handouts, and a weekly follow-up email. No partner or dance experience is necessary, just bring your willingness to learn!
Beginner Plus Guitar
with Jeffrey Chaplin

Have you started to learn chords and songs, and are you looking for more formal instruction or the next step in your guitar playing? This class will build your confidence and take you to the next level. Jeffrey will teach you about music and songs, and different styles of music, and help you advance your guitar playing ability.
Intermediate Guitar
with Jeffrey Chaplin

Hawaiian Hula Dance Class
with Nirakazi Diliiza

Aloha! Are you interested in Hawaiian Hula dancing? Don’t miss this opportunity to learn the basics of Hawaiian Hula. Learn about the Hawaiian culture and learn simple choreography to Hawaiian songs. Hula is a great way to connect with Hawai'i, and learn the language, history and culture. Come experience the beauty of Hawaiian Hula dance and experience the Aloha spirit of Hawai'i. All are welcomed! Wear loose clothing and bring a pen and paper for note-taking.
Restorative Yoga
with Linda Hamilton

We will begin with some stretches and gentle movements to prepare, then we will do some reclined or seated poses. Using props like bolsters, blocks and blankets to support us, we will relax into each pose for 3-5 minutes where we will find a wonderful stillness in the body and mind. This activates the relaxation response in the nervous system. It restores the body’s immune system and has many other benefits. Please bring a yoga mat and any props you might have such as blocks, bolsters, blankets or towels.
Understanding Medicare
with Aaron Manning

This presentation will review the following areas: • When you are eligible for Medicare benefits • The timeline to enroll for Medicare benefits without penalties • What original Medicare does and doesn’t cover • What additional plans are available that work in conjunction with original Medicare • Financial assistance options