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Business Skills
in Personal Enrichment
Maine Notary Public Basics
with Mike Emery

Conquer Your Mac Photos App: Edit Your Images
with BoomerTECH Adventures, with Maine educators Jill Spencer, Chris Toy, and Ed Brazee
Over exposed image? No problem—adjust the exposure in editing mode. Wish your photo could be black and white instead of color? Choose a filter and change the ambiance of your image. Does the main object of your picture seem lost among extraneous details? Use the cropping feature to focus your viewer’s eye on the most important part of the image. These examples are just a few of the many ways you can turn an average image into something special. Have fun editing your pictures with the many options in your Mac’s Photos app. This course includes five primary videos: Know the Icons you’ll need for editing; learn how to Crop your photos; apply Filters and Markup, and two videos of various Adjustments, like exposure, highlights, and brightness and more. Other course resources include support guides for each video all focused on understanding and using your Mac to edit your images. BoomerTECH Adventures also provides email support before, during, and after the class. The course package contains all the materials you need: Tips for Getting Started, and summaries of each of the instructional videos, a list of all course resources (videos and printed articles). All resources are accessible from the course booklet. Students will need a strong internet connection and a Mac computer, iPad, or iPhone to access videos and articles.
Create and Deliver Online Zoom Courses
with BoomerTECH Adventures, with Maine educators Jill Spencer, Chris Toy, and Ed Brazee
This course by BoomerTECH Adventures is designed for those who want to develop an online course using Zoom, a video conferencing platform. This course consists of step-by-step videos that explain and demonstrate how to use Zoom as well as appropriate instructional tips to build an engaging online course in any subject. You will learn everything you need to know about Zoom—tools, settings, security, instructional strategies, building community, Zoom tips for instructors and students, and much more. This course includes 13 short videos in three sections: • Preparing to Zoom (Hardware, Software, & Networks; Setting the Environment) • Zoom Settings/Instructional Tools (Zoom Settings on Computer and iPhone & iPad; Building Community; Safety & Security, and; more) • Tips for Instructors/Students (Zoom tips) Other course resources include videos, articles and tip sheets, all focused on understanding and using Zoom to build your own online course. You will have access to BoomerTECH Adventures email for support before, during, and after the class. The course package contains all the materials you need: Tips for Getting Started, summaries of each of the instructional videos, and a list of all course resources (videos and printed articles). Students will need a strong internet connection and a Mac computer, iPad, or iPhone to access videos and articles.
Digital Tools for the Beginning Memoir Writer
with BoomerTECH Adventures, with Maine educators Jill Spencer, Chris Toy, and Ed Brazee
Each of us has a story to tell. However, the memories of red marks on our school essays often keep us from sharing our stories. Fortunately, the digital world offers planning and editing supports unavailable in the past. This course will show you how to use these tools and others to unleash your creative self. This course introduces you to a variety of digital tools that support writing your memoir, even if you are a bit uncomfortable writing for an audience. There are seven videos that concentrate on different aspects of the process you will probably use to write your memoir. Each video discusses several helpful digital tools or websites. Expressing one’s thoughts, feelings, and perhaps even secrets is a daunting prospect for most of us. These digital tools will remove some angst about the mechanics of writing and allow you to concentrate on your content and message. The course package contains all the materials you need: Tips for Getting Started, summaries of each of the instructional videos, and a list of all course resources (videos and printed articles). Students will need a strong internet connection and a Mac computer, iPad, or iPhone to access videos and articles.
More Hidden Gems in Your iPhone/iPad
with BoomerTECH Adventures, with Maine educators Jill Spencer, Chris Toy, and Ed Brazee
In our basic “Hidden Gems” course, we explored tracking, slide to type, customizing your control center, and accessing the built-in scanner…among other cool features. In this MORE Hidden Gems course we delve into the additional secrets of our iPhones and iPads. Learn how to set up helpful widgets, control text size, choose an interesting Siri sidekick, access important privacy features, and more. You’ll definitely increase your understanding of the intricacies of your iPhone and /or iPad by the end of this course. This course includes 8 videos: Course overview, edit “For You” slideshows, privacy/security features, quickly start a video recording, Siri sidekick, use folders to organize photos, change text size, and learn the magic of widgets. Other course resources include supplementary videos, articles, and tip sheets. You will have access to BoomerTECH Adventures email for support before, during, and after the class. The course package contains all the materials you need: Tips for Getting Started, summaries of each of the instructional videos, and a list of all course resources (videos and printed articles). All resources are accessible from the course booklet. Students will need a strong internet connection and a Mac computer, iPad, or iPhone to access videos and articles.
Real Estate Sales Agent Course
with Center for Real Estate Studies
This 55-hour remote learning real estate agent course, approved by the Maine Real Estate Commission, is a prerequisite to taking the Pearson VUE state licensing exam. Based on the book, Introduction to a Successful Career in Maine Real Estate, by Charles “Kim” Coit, its content includes material that is basic to the practice of real estate in Maine. Concepts covered:
- How the business is organized and regulated by the Maine Real Estate Commission
- Licensing laws and agency relationships
- Fiduciary duties of a licensee with an agency agreement with a buyer or seller
- Private property rights with attention to the public and private limits that may exist on those rights.
- Required disclosures licensees must make to make to buyers and sellers
- Basics of contracts and how to complete agreements for real estate transactionsIntroduction to real estate financing and overview of different loan products available
- Closings and closing costs
- Tax considerations of property ownership
- Miscellaneous federal laws including Fair Housing and Americans with Disabilities.
The material is presented in manageable modules. Students read the text and then answer short questions based on the text. The questions are designed to help students focus on key points and reinforce learning. The course has four quizzes. Students take the quiz and with a passing grade of 75, move on to the next topics in the course. Students may retake quizzes until they secure a passing grade. The final course grade is the grade attained on the final exam. Students may retake the final exam as well. Students have 1 year to complete the course.
Upon passing this course AND completing a course evaluation required by the Maine Real Estate Commission, students will receive a Certificate of Completion. This Certificate is your ticket of admission to the Pearson VUE state licensing exam. Students have one year from the course completion to take the Pearson VUE test. We recommend taking the test as soon after completing the real estate agent course as possible.
When students pass the Pearson VUE exam, they affiliate with an agency. The Designated Broker of the Agency and the student sign the application for a license and send the application to the commission for processing.
Students are welcome to call or email the real estate course instructor at any time during the course with questions.
Materials include:
- Introduction to a Successful Career in Maine Real Estate textbook
- Maine Real Estate Commission License Law Reference Book
Take Fabulous Photos of the Flora and Fauna in Your World
with BoomerTECH Adventures, with Maine educators Jill Spencer, Chris Toy, and Ed Brazee
This course by BoomerTECH Adventures guide, Jill Spencer, shows you how to take beautiful photos of flowers, plants, and wildlife. Four easy-to-follow videos demonstrate and give examples of each of the topics including: Using focus, exposure and HDR features to capture the beauty of your surroundings; ways to avoid blurry images; tips for composing your images; and editing options that turn so-so images into stunning ones. In addition to the instructional videos, we have several articles with useful information to build your repertoire of photographic strategies. This course is made for you if you want to learn to use your camera or significantly upgrade your skills and abilities. This course package contains all the materials you need: Tips for Getting Started, summaries of each of the instructional videos, and a list of all course resources (videos and printed articles). All resources are accessible from the course booklet. Students will need a strong internet connection and a Mac computer, iPad, or iPhone to access videos and articles.
Taking Awesome Photos with Your iPhone/iPad Camera
with BoomerTECH Adventures, with Maine educators Jill Spencer, Chris Toy, and Ed Brazee
This course by BoomerTECH Adventures is a step-by-step guide to taking beautiful photos. It is packed with easy-to-follow instructional videos that explain and demonstrate how to use your iPhone/iPad camera. This course is made for you if you are learning to use your camera for the first time or if you want to significantly upgrade your skills and abilities. This course is not to make you a professional photographer but will teach you how to take excellent photos! And have fun. You will learn how to use your camera to take photos, portraits, slo-motion, panos, and more. You will learn about camera settings for focus and exposure, High Dynamic Range (HDR) to adjust light in photos, and finally composition. In addition to the step-by-step instructions, we offer inspiring photos to illustrate the tips and suggestions in the instructional videos. This course package contains all the materials you need: Tips for Getting Started, summaries of each of the four instructional videos, and a list of all course resources (videos and printed articles). All resources are accessible from the course booklet PDF. Students will need a strong internet connection and a Mac computer, iPad, or iPhone to access videos and articles.