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General Enrichment
in Personal Enrichment
Learn the Ukulele!
with Duncan Perry

You don't need to read music - on the versatile uke you can knock out folk, rock, blues, jazz, pop, country, and classical music, tunes old and new! Duncan Perry is a multi-instrumentalist who has been performing and teaching the ukulele for 17 years. Duncan will introduce you to essential chords and playing skills using familiar songs and a no-stress learning approach. Plan on lots of laughs along the way! The uke is small and portable, and playing the uke is both fun and good for your brain. All you need to join this Zoom class is a playable ukulele, electronic tuner or tuner app., and computer or tablet. Instructional materials included. Once you master the basics you won't want to stop. Sign up, have a uke on-hand, and let your musical journey begin!
Putting the Literacy in Financial Literacy: Book Club with FAME
with FAME Specialist, Finance Authority of Maine (FAME)
Join FAME's College Savings Counselor, Maire Pelletier, in exploring Girls that Invest by Simran Kaur. This course is a great introduction to investing. All experience levels are welcome! (For general education purposes only, and should not be used as legal, tax, or financial advice.). Book synopsis: Your step-by-step guide to financial independence - from the creator of the #1 investing education podcast, Girls That Invest. Ever wondered how on Earth the stock market works, but felt too intimidated to ask "those" questions? This is the book for you! In this guide to investing in stocks (aka shares), Simran Kaur teaches the essential principles you can apply to any market, anywhere in the world. Because money provides the freedom to say yes or no, the freedom to handle whatever life throws at you, and the freedom to grow and prosper. This book is your invitation to join the thriving community of women who are building a better financial future. Investing is for everyone. Pick up Girls That Invest, become an investor-in-training, and claim a space for yourself in the world of finance - so you too can find financial independence and create generational wealth. Students will need to purchase their own copy of the book to participate. This class meets every other Tuesday on the following dates: 2/4/2025, 2/18/2025, 3/4/2025, 3/18/2025, and 4/1/2025 from 6:00pm - 7:00pm.
Keeping Your Online Accounts Safe
with NDEC Instructor
This class walks you through the process of creating an online account. We also discuss how to recover your password should you forget it, what the potential issues are for privacy and safety, and how to best navigate those issues. No devises are required, just bring yourself.
Getting News and Information Online
with NDEC Instructor

With online content, we have a constant flow of information as well as misinformation. In this class we will look at ways to determine "real" news from "fake" news and then discover how to find the news and information you want using Blogs, Podcasts, online publications, and much more. No devises are required, just bring yourself.
Money Starts: For the Love of Money
with FAME Specialist, Finance Authority of Maine (FAME)

Adulting is tough. Finances can be one of the trickiest parts of adulthood. Whether you’ve been Adulting for decades or are just getting started, banking basics, spending plans, credit scores and budgeting tools are available to make things a little bit easier. Join Steve Kautz, Financial Education Programs Specialist from the Finance Authority of Maine for this 1-hour virtual workshop as we explore fundamental money skills.
Introduction to MS Excel
with NDEC Instructor

Learn about the basics of Microsoft Excel. In this class we will learn about data entry, cell formatting, and the basics of Formulas.
Understanding Medicare
with Aaron Manning

This presentation will review the following areas: • When you are eligible for Medicare benefits • The timeline to enroll for Medicare benefits without penalties • What original Medicare does and doesn’t cover • What additional plans are available that work in conjunction with original Medicare • Financial assistance options
Successful Scholarship Searches and Applications
with FAME Specialist, Finance Authority of Maine (FAME)